7 Essential Tips to Prevent Diaper Rash in Babies

baby diaper

As a parent, you always strive to maintain the softness of your baby’s skin. But diaper rash often can be challenging for you. There is a lot of research and advancement going on into its design and raw material to be used in manufacturing diapers. Most of these efforts are towards minimising skin irritation and diaper rash in babies.

Nevertheless, diaper rash accounts for 20% of child dermatology visits.. This is primarily because of the damp conditions of the diaper area. In this article, you will learn about the top 7 tips for correctly changing and fastening diapers to prevent diaper rashes in your babies.

  • Rinse with Warm Water
    Make sure to rinse your baby’s bottom with warm water each time you change their diaper. It will keep their skin bacteria-free and clean. You can use baby wipes or moist cloths also as an alternative when needed, but there’s nothing like using warm water. If you choose to use wipes or cloths, make sure they do not have a rough texture or artificial fragrance. You can also use mild baby soap once in a while.
  • Use Cloth Diapers
    Disposable diapers were popular for the longest time, and for good reasons, but cloth diapers that you get now are much better and work wonders in preventing diaper rashes. This is because reusable diapers are made from soft natural fabrics. These diapers are breathable, so the air circulation to your baby’s bottoms stays efficient. They also do not contain many chemicals. Because of all these factors, there are fewer chances of skin irritation when you use cloth diapers.
  • Change Diapers Frequently
    Experts recommend changing the disposable diapers every 2-3 hours. And 90 minutes is an ideal time to change reusable diapers. Prolonged use of diapers, as in not changing them frequently, can cause moisture which can then cause diaper rashes, skin irritation and infections. Also, keep in mind that these time intervals are important for poopy diapers – those must be changed immediately.
  • Never Fasten Diapers Tightly
    When you fasten the diaper too tightly, it restricts the airflow to your baby’s bottom. Thus the skin of the diaper region remains moist and damp. And the fungus and bacteria thrive on moisture which can lead to diaper rash. Therefore the fit of your baby’s diaper should be just right. It shouldn’t be too loose or too tight. Also, tight diapers rub against the skin of your baby’s thighs and waist, which adds to the skin irritation.
  • Give Time to Dry
    Dry bottoms are less likely to get a rash. Thus, after cleaning your baby’s bottom, make sure you dry it too by patting it gently. Do this for a few minutes, and fasten the diaper only when you are sure that the area is completely dry. Remember to pat the skin gently, avoiding rubbing..
  • Give a Break Between Diapers
    It’s recommended to provide some break to your baby’s bottoms between diapers. Let them air-dry without any diaper around them for some time. This allows their skin to breathe. This applies to both disposable and reusable diapers. You can make them lie on a towel to avoid any mess.
  • Apply Barrier Ointment
    It is possible that despite doing everything right, your baby’s skin can be sensitive and prone to diaper rashes. In that case, ask your paediatrician to recommend a good ointment. Gently applying the barrier ointment or cream before putting on a clean diaper helps a lot.
  • To Sum Up!
    If the diaper rash problem persists for too long, there is no harm in visiting a good paediatric dermatologist. They can detect and treat any underlying skin conditions like eczema that contribute to rashes. Otherwise, you can control the occurrence of rashes and heal them sooner with the help of these tips.

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