Monthly Archives: August 2022

My child is not speaking yet. She is 18 months old. What can I do?

Here are 5 tips which you can do at home to improve your child’s language skills: Help your child understand more by building on his receptive language. Model for the child what a word or a phrase means, like during “Clean up time!” then show the child how to put the toys in the box. Encourage your child to imitate sounds during free play.

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Exploring Music With Your Baby

Music has  the power to affect our socio-emotional and psychological well-being. It allows one to express or arouse emotions. Music and music experiences also support the formation of important brain connections that are being established over the first three years of life (Carlton 2000). Singing a lullaby while rocking a baby stimulates early language development, promotes attachment, and supports an infant’s growing spatial awareness

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